Becoming a capable and mature therapist is a lifelong and a quite challenging work. I have the privilege of learning, discussing, sharing insights with my colleagues and being inspired by so many teachers with different backgrounds from Systemic and Emotion-focused Therapy (EFT) to Intensive Short-term Dynamic Therapy (ISTDP).
Approaches and philosophies, which I integrate into my work to offer tailor-made services to the particular client and group variables, presented tasks and concerns. More important than qualifications and professional experience is the personal work I have done over the last 15 years, which has influenced and centrally changed how I practice. I learned that so much of the therapeutic process is tied to the unconscious emotional process and blind spots of the therapist, so I put a high awareness to that. I learned that our unconscious mind plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, often outside of our conscious awareness. As a therapist, I recognize the importance of exploring these hidden layers of emotional processing to uncover deep-rooted patterns that may be impacting clients’ well-being.
- Since 2009: own Berlin practice for individual, couples & sex therapy with a focus on emotions and transference phenomenons
- Employee and manager counselor in health management at companies with a focus on complex professional issues, specific management topics, conflict management, team moderations, professional career development
- Academy speaker for different health topics at small and bigger companies, company groups
- Lecturer at schools for occupational therapy / at accredited institutes for the further education in systemic therapy, couples- and sex therapy.
- Occupational therapist / Systemic therapist for the medical rehabilitation of addiction patients at a all-day outpatient institution / treatment of mentally ill and addict offenders at the Forensic Psychiatry.

- Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP)
- Emotion Focused Therapy / Couples Therapy (EFT)
- Systemic Sex Therapy
- Systemic Couples Therapy
- Systemic Counselling and Therapy
- Intimacy Coordination Level II “Intimacy on Set” with Ita O’Brien
- Occupational Therapy (BPH)
- Alternative Practitioner Psychotherapy (HeilprG Psychotherapy)
Memberships in Expert Groups and Societies
- DGSMP e.V. – German Society for Sexual Medicine and Sex Therapy
- DGfS e.V. – German Society for Sexuality Research
- ISEFT – International Society for Emotional Focused Therapy
- ISTDP International